BSc. Chemical Engineer, MSc. Environmental Engineer, P.E. California. Always loved visual arts. My first interest in painting started by browsing through my dad’s art books when I was very young, being mystified by Rousseau, Dali, Modigliani. Growing up, I played the classical guitar, and music has been an important part of my artistic development. I completed my education in Engineering and worked as an engineer in California for more than 30 years. While bringing left-brain solutions to engineering problems and urban issues, art has always been an important venue for me to find solace in my life. Photography has been a long-time passion, using my Nikon FE2 analog camera since the 80s. I have been drawing and painting since 2000, mostly focusing on oils but also using charcoal and ink, and some mixed media work straddles expressionism, figurative art, and abstract, with the female figure being a prominent theme. Since 2017, I have been working in various mobile art groups, and been a part of Tumobart. I find combination of digital technology with art fascinating. Smart phones and tablets provide me a creative platform to catch and play with images instantaneously, create new images from photos and paintings.