As a child I was fascinated by the structured world of the various blocks. Among all those repeating patterns and geometrical figures, I was always able to find my inner peace. Uncharacteristic for an untypical girl escaping from all pink laces and ribbons into the world of schematic logica. Was I a Rebel? I don’t thinks so. Nevertheless, the world of blocks triggered in me a pursuit of an unusual beauty hidden in majestic architectural elements, that for many, long years were undercovered somewhere inside of me so simply forgotten. To make a coming out when my photographic adventure began in 2015 with quite old-fashioned camera. From that moment and continuously day by day my fascination with each, next undiscovered geometrical structures was born. Who am I? I am self-taught photographer, a perfectionist with a sharp eye for details and a curious explorer repeatedly looking for my own style. Regardless of naming, I simply want to be defined through the prisma of my mobile photo’s because a day without a photo is a day lost. My style is a mishmash of many different genres and techniques such as: architectural shots, often surrealistic pictures, multiple exposure landscapes or fine art portraits frequently overlapping each other. Whatever my photo subject is you can always expect some geometrical patterns and forms composed in it – kind of my photographic signature of finished artwork. Because my proper interest were laying beyond the photography itself, somewhere in between writing and composing poetry, I have never enough mixing uncommon layers. Therefore I still try to smuggle those typographical pieces into many of mine mobile creations as far as it’s possible. You can generally find it in my conceptual portraits or fine art works where I combine all my most characteristics components with appearance of myself of those of my male model. If I am not able to hide some written characters somewhere inside the finished art work I use the title to speak up for me with all those unnamed words and emotions I wanted to share. A really breakthrough appeared when I won the 1st price as Art Mobile Photographer of 2019 year awarded by The Netherlands en Belgian photo magazine ‘Phonographer’. It gave me enough motivation to learn new stuff and share even more works with the magical world of mobile art community. In quite short period of 2,5 years many things have changed a lot in a positive way. There is still many aims to follow however some of them were already able for me to achieve, to name a few: my first Dutch mobile art tutorial and mobile photography article publication or different photo publications in magazines about architecture or fine art photography to continue with international groups exhibitions based in The Netherlands, USA, Scotland and Hungary or different projects inspired by the pandemy. The most important an still most impressive anno 2020 were ‘Pandemix.Mob’ and ‘Ecologies Mobiles’ of Mobile Camera Club in Paris, ‘The Impossible Exposition’ – collaborative project of Andrea Bigiarini, New Era Museum, MAG Mobile Art Group, Mira, The Appwhisperer together with TuMobArt. Not to forget about Modern Art Challenge Contest Corona (MAccc) organized by Galerie Novia in Doorn, The Netherlands where I became a winner in the category hobbyist - mixed media and Mobile Digital Art & Creativity (MDAC) ‘Art in isolation’ international competition to highlight the difficult pandemic time where my work ‘Robotica’ became one of the best 100 chosen. My personal page is under construction right now, but, in the meantime, you can visit my social media channels to see my current works: