Born with a passion to embrace the beauty in nature, and all forms of music, art, film, and technology -especially those manifested in various designed environments. Adored her childhood summers for granting her extra time and freedom to paint, style and indulge in handcrafts. Adored her teenager melancholies soothed and adorned by beautiful music and films and quest into many souls other than her own. It was always a pleasure to photograph the fascinating miracles all around her - thanks to her amazing soul friend and father allowing her to use his precious Leica camera. She has been perceiving her journey and instances through an aperture, and even without a camera her mind has been capturing those moments of visual awe. Mobile apps and digital arts and the perfect smart phones sneaked in to her very busy life and cherished her rare idle hours with a zest of exploratory art and self-expression, surprising her path with fun moments of creative innovation. A graduate of TED Ankara College and Middle East Technical University, and an architect by profession, performs as a senior project management executive in the global building industry embedded in diverse geographies and landscapes. Her professional link: